Coming soon: Yondr at Aragon

Amidst much anticipation for the 2020-2021 school year, Aragon administrators have decided to implement Yondr, with a schoolwide pilot for the summer before the school year starts. 

Yondr was first seen in the San Mateo Union High School District at San Mateo High School as a pilot in the spring of 2018, then was fully implemented in the 2019 fall semester, gaining national media attention. It was only a matter of time before Aragon followed behind with ever popular green and grey phone cells. 

“In the best interests of our students, we decided to purchase Yondr pouches not only for phones but also tablets, laptops and televisions,” said Assistant Principal Lisa Nagendran. “With extra funds that were previously dedicated to now canceled extracurriculars, we decided to invest in Yondr for our students.”

While most students are faced with boredom and cabin fever amongst shelter-in-place orders, Nagendran believes the pouches will help students make more time for the simple joys in life, such as walking patterns around their bedroom circles, to represent the circle of life, hearts, to represent the much-needed love during these times, or stars, to represent the goals students are reaching for. It is expected that students lock their pouches throughout the day, starting at 8:00 a.m. 

A majority of teachers disagree with the pilot, as communication will be harder than ever without access to students through technology, but a select few feel the decision will have a net benefit.

“I asked our health students to report their daily screen times as an assignment. We saw averages of 16-18 hours of screen time a day,” said health teacher Justin Cottrell. “That didn’t even include computer or TV time!”

“Eye strain is not something our students should suffer from! Aragon is a highly competitive and education driven school,” Nagendran said. “But right now, San Mateo takes first place in the district for ‘Best Eyesight,’ and I want Aragon to be there!”

With social distancing regulations in place, administrators had to plan for a quick distribution of Yondr pouches, so students would be able to reap their benefits before school ended. 

“Seniors picked up their pouches on June 4, when they picked up their diplomas,” Nagendran said. “All other grades will pick up their pouches on their designated textbook return date. If they don’t return materials, Yondr pouches will be flown with a drone to their houses. We will be working hard to ensure our staff is well versed in drone control and flying, so no Yondr pouch is misplaced or lost in transit. Of course, lost pouches will come at no damage to the district budget, as the cost will be reimbursed by the student intended to receive it.”

Additionally, the district will set up local unlocking stations throughout the district. Families will be able to bring their devices at 5:00 p.m. sharp to unlock and if they are not able to reach the front of the line by 5:15 p.m., they will have to apply for a makeup unlocking session the next morning, at 4:00 a.m.

If all goes well this summer, Aragon administrators will look into supplying the incoming freshman class with pouches for the next year.

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