Letter to the editor: Keep students at home

Dear Aragon Outlook,

As the pandemic has spread irreparable damage throughout our community, we have once again witnessed our administration displaying negligence for the well-being of our students. I, Tri Huard, am speaking as a student representative in opposition to the return-to-school policy enacted by the Aragon Administration.

Having students return to school would increase the risk of transmitting COVID-19. While students are not the target demographic for those heavily impacted by the virus, they still have the ability to transmit to adults and more vulnerable individuals back home such as pet dogs or turtles. While it is true that in-person learning carries some benefits, such as the social aspect, students have gotten used to online learning and there is no harm in extending online learning for the rest of the school year. Plus, in-person learning mandates that all people on campus wear masks therefore obscuring their facial expressions. If we really want to engage students to be more social, why would we obstruct the very domain, our face, that all communication is communicated? 

Reopening school has become a money laundering scheme mandated by pushover democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. There was nearly a $2 billion dollar incentive to have K-12 schools reopen back in April. Clearly, the main issue in the forefront of those opening schools is the cash. 

The comfort and wellbeing of students is paramount to the principles of establishing a healthy and productive learning environment. Returning to school would require students to get dressed in the morning, rather than staying in our comfortable pajamas and rolling out of bed at 9:01 a.m. Rather than taking class from the couch, sitting in bed, or the comfort of our own desk, we will be confined to the cold, hard desks in an isolated classroom. There is more emphasis placed on appearance: brushing our teeth or hair, putting on shoes, or literally even putting on a functional outfit for the day. If students are hungry in class, they no longer have the option of having a meal or snack because taking one’s mask off would permit the spread of the virus. 

Moreover, it has never been easier to meet my bodily needs than just turning my camera off and running to the bathroom. I can no longer rely on the comfort of muting my microphone and letting out a toot or burp. 

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