Tell us your zodiac sign and we will tell you which AHS teacher you are


Aries (March 21 - April 20 ) —  Ms. Katcher

If you're an Aries like Katcher you are the grandma friend in your friend group. Your friends like to joke about how naggy you are, but know it is in their best interest. You are also perceived as being very wise and invested in your work, resulting in you easily losing track of time. A Katcher Aries likes things very organized and loves to bring out the talent in others. You may also have a doll obsession, but don’t worry, we don’t judge.

Your Lucky Color: Yellow, but with a slight tint of green that you can only notice if you look close enough.

Recommended career: Teacher

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) —  Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Moretti

If you’re a Taurus like Mr. Jacobs, you will find that many seek you out for the advice you can bring to them, like how to get out of student debt. You may find that you are quick to anger, but also quick to forgiveness due to your practical and realistic personality. You are not afraid to follow your dreams, which serves as an inspiration for others around you.

A Moretti Taurus is a hiker who loves to be surrounded by nature and the wilderness. You also love to be around by animals such as chickens. In fact, you are so in-tune with nature that your friends think you may possibly be Mother Earth herself.

Recommended Extracurricular: Student Journalism (The Aragon Outlook)

Recommended career: Teacher

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) — Mr. Colglazier, Mr. Corti

If you are a Gemini like Colglazier you do well in a crowd and people are naturally drawn to you. You are the type of person to get away with mediocre dad jokes. Because of this quality you work well in groups, especially in leadership positions. Consider doing group sports if you are not already. Geminis, also like Corti, may find that they are often the “dad friend” of their friend groups, and care for other people.  You kinda have bad luck which can come to light in instances such as throwing a ball into someone’s face on accident or being randomly attacked by a rodent in your front lawn. Invest in good luck charms from Etsy to help with this problem. You also like to stay in your comfort zone, but do not be afraid to try new things!

A Corti Gemini also will find that they enjoy a good dad joke. While most of your hoobies tend to be on the normal side (like cartoon strips), you do have some worrying hobbies like performing psychology experiments on your family while recording them for your class.

Unlucky Objects: Rats in trash cans, clear umbrellas, knit sweaters and big spoons.

Recommended career: Teacher

Cancer (June 21 - July 23) — Mr. Estassi, Mr. Oling

If you are a Cancer like Estassi, you make sure to put extra care into our appearance to make sure you seem well put together. This, and the fact that you are most likely an introvert, means you tend to keep a clean image by not really divulging a lot about your personal life. This makes many see you as an enigma. The one day a year you shed your formal wear and swap clothes out for something more casual, you will shock everyone around you who had become convinced you could only exist while wearing a tie. Emotional support cats will be helpful in your life going forward.

An Oling Cancer is quick on their feet and is able to think fast. You are self-assured and confident. No matter what problems you may run into, you make sure nothing can get in your way. Generally, Cancers are one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know, and should put in extra effort to bond with others.

Interior design hack: Buy several antique lamps and leave them on at all times. Do not touch the overhead lighting. It is harsh and unflattering.

Recommended career: Teacher

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 23) — Sr. Ho, Mr. Gallagher

If you are a Leo like Ho you are definitely a people-pleaser with perfectionist tendencies. This allows you to thrive in your interests and hobbies, and really hone in on a craft. However, you need to learn to relax and practice self-care. Try to reframe your people-pleaser mindset and realize that you are also a person who needs pleasing too.

Gallagher resembles Leo the Lion quintessentially, right down to the beard. Gallagher Leos tend to be loud and natural leaders, much like the brass musicians he teaches. Despite your self-confidence, you are kind hearted and treat those close to you, like your family, generously. You’re often the life of the party, and well-loved by everyone you interact with. When you’re not around, your presence is missed.

Percy Jackson Greek God Parent: Dionysus

Recommended career: Teacher

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) —  Ms. Estrada

If you are a Virgo like Estrada you most likely live a unique and refreshing lifestyle. This naturally draws people close to you as they want to know more about what it’s like living on a boat. Every moment spent with you is an unforgettable experience. You can be a little strict sometimes, but that’s part of your refreshing personality.

Recommended travel location: Guyana, but only the cities nearby the ocean

Recommended career: Teacher

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23) — Mr. Daniel, Mr. Reiss

If you are a Libra like Mr. Daniel you may be very charismatic and people tend to like you. You also tend to be noncommittal and have humor that not everyone may understand. As someone who values independence and free-thought, you might not feel particularly inclined to lecturing or having a lesson plan all the time, and prefer to let people choose what to do with their time.

A Reiss Libra is very smart and great at explaining things to others. You love to help others and are generally a peaceful person. You also have very niche taste, and as a result, have very niche humor. This results in you having a very interesting friend group that discusses topics ranging from the Star Wars Holiday Special to the Monty Python movies… ni!

Your millennial obsession: Harry Potter Buzzfeed quizzes.

Recommended career: Teacher

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) —  Mr. Montelongo

If you are a Scorpio like Montelongo, you seem kind and have a mysterious appearance, but when people get to know you they realize that you can be pretty sarcastic… surprise! You most likely have impeccable taste in fashion and impeccable taste in posters (like that Liam Payne poster on your classroom wall).

Lucky Smell: Freshly cut grass

Recommended career: Teacher

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 22) — Mr. Silton, Ms. Daniel 

If you’re a Sagittarius like Silton, you probably love adventure and winter sports. As a fire sign, it’s likely that you start arguments for fun, and find conflict entertaining. You are also not afraid to say what you think, even when it’s inappropriate. And while your friends appreciate your honesty, be wary of oversharing — stay away from talking about your family drama or your Twitter feed. You also have a habit of leaving Zoom breakout rooms mid-goodbye. Stop cutting people off, they think you don’t like them. 

A Ms. Daniel Sagittarius is the mom friend of their friend group, which means you are nurturing and understand other people's emotions well, yet feel emotions more strongly than others might. You are the type of person to bring freshly baked cookies and chocolate for your COVID-friendly and quarantine trendy picnics. Overall you are well liked and get along easily with others. 

What Pizza You Are: Arugula-Prosciutto-Mushroom Pizza with grated salted egg yolk and truffle

Recommended career: Teacher


Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) — Mr. Shahrvini, Mr. Doyle

If you are a Capricorn like Shahrvini and Doyle, spice is no stranger in your life. You get along easily with others and can easily become popular due to your charisma. This charismatic and responsible personality makes many believe that perhaps you were a game show host in your past life. As an Earth sign, your friends probably think you’re reliable and trust you for advice (or college rec letters). If you’re a Capricorn, you may have a tendency to work yourself too hard, and take on too many jobs at once. If life gets too hard, don’t be afraid to put on some smooth jazz and chill out.

Avoid: Mystery flavored candy

Recommended career: Teacher

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) — Ms. Johnson

If you’re an Aquarius like Johnson, you are likely a hopeless romantic who would replay the kissing scene in Pride and Prejudice several times for your students. Aquarius people are unconventional and nonconformists; you probably have eccentric hobbies such as running a knitting club.

New Hobby to Try: Pokemon Card collecting

Recommended career: Teacher

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) — Mr. Thurtle, Mr. Wu 

If you’re a Pisces, you’re probably over-emotional and a certified simp. Your friends and family are very important to you. A Thurtle Pisces may find comfort in niche, pseudo-intellectual hobbies, like listening to the British Jamaican reggae band Musical Youth, psychedelic funk and reading poetry.

A Wu Pisces is into movies and TV shows — but only if they make your eyes sweat a little. You love hearing new perspectives, and always see the best in other people. You’re famous for your motivational speeches and are passionate about seeing others succeed.

Recommended music: French hip hop

Recommended career: Teacher

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